Working with Active Directory encoded LDAP values

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Revision as of 12:04, 19 April 2016 by YvanM (talk | contribs) (added "--cross-ncs" and "--show-binary" options)

Many values in Active Directory LDAP are not stored in a human-friendly format: this page is meant to provide basic tools to encode / decode theses values.

Many encoded values can be easily decoded by using options both "--cross-ncs" and "--show-binary" of ldbsearch and ldbedit commands.


Expiration date/time of an account:


# Returns an input date in the "accountExpires" format
# Input Date format can be something like "2016-03-19 11:58 UTC+1"


# since 1601 to 1970
interval1=$((( 0 - $(date --date=1601-01-01 +%s) )))
# since 1970 to input date
interval2=$(date --date="$inputDate" +%s)
# total * 10 000 000
echo $((( ( interval1 + interval2 ) * 10000000 )))

# Converts an encoded "accountExpires" value to a human-readable one 


timeInSeconds=$((( accountExpires / 10000000 )))
interval1601to1970=$((( 0 - $(date --date=1601-01-01 +%s) )))
timeSince1970=$((( $timeInSeconds - $interval1601to1970 )))
echo $(date --date @"$timeSince1970")


Base64 binary blobs containing many informations, such as IP address, expiration time...:


# Prints data from "dnsRecord" AD attribute

# adapted from script by natxo, VinsWorldcom and choroba
# found on
# not much tested

use strict;
use warnings;
use Socket;
use MIME::Base64;

my $blob = $ARGV[0];

$blob = decode_base64($blob);

my (
    $dataLength,    # 2 bytes
    $type,          # 2 bytes
    $version,       # 1 byte
    $rank,          # 1 byte
    $flags,         # 2 bytes 
    $serial,        # 4 bytes 
    $ttl,           # 4 bytes 
    $reserved,      # 4 bytes 
    $timestamp,     # 4 bytes
    $data ) = unpack( 'S S C C S L N L L a*', $blob );

print $dataLength, "\n";
print "$type\n";
print "$version\n";
print "$rank\n";
print "$flags\n";
print "$serial\n";
print "$ttl\n";
print "$reserved\n";
print "$timestamp\n";
print inet_ntoa($data) . "\n";


Contains many account properties:


If the account is disabled or not: bit of value "2".

LDAP filter to search disabled accounts:
