Using Git for Samba Development

From SambaWiki

The previous pages based on the git-svn mirror can be found at Using Git-SVN for Samba Development (deprecated)


Samba source code is now hosted in a shared git repository to which all existing Samba Team members are allow to push to. If you are a Team member and do not have an account on, please email the team list and let the appropriate people know. This shared repository has the same work flow as was used when the SCM of choice was Subversion. In other words, you develop in your local tree and push to the repo although is not necessary to push after every commit. This should be a familiar work flow for those who have used svk.

Git Installation

The examples in the following sections are based off of the tools and syntax used by git v1.5.3 or later which is the recommended version for Samba. Either apt-get, yum, or make install the tools. See Git documentation for more details on this part.

Note that under Debian or Ubuntu, git is distributed in the git-core package. The git package contains the "GNU Interactive Tools".

If you are using the Ubuntu Feisty Fawn release, the version of git-core in the official repositories is woefully out of date. A more recent version can be installed by adding the feisty-backports repository to your sources.list file:

deb feisty-backports main universe multiverse restricted

If you are on OS X, both MacPorts and Fink contain working binary packages of Git. Building Git from source on OS X works fine, but resolving the chain of dependencies for asciidoc (which is needed to build the man pages) is very painful.

Basic Samba Git

The master git repository is located at git:// There is also a GitWeb installation.

WARNING: git:// was previously a git-svn mirror. The mirror has been moved to git://

Step Zero is to set your name and email address for commits:

 $ git config --global
 $ git config --global "Your Real Name"

Next, clone the repository:

 $ git-clone git:// samba
 Initialized empty Git repository in /home/AD/gcarter/src/git/tmp/samba/.git/
 remote: Generating pack...
 remote: Done counting 440544 objects.
 remote: Deltifying 440544 objects...
 remote:  100% (440544/440544) done
 Indexing 440544 objects...
 remote: Total 440544 (delta 340808), reused 436199 (delta 336480)
  100% (440544/440544) done
 Resolving 340808 deltas...
  100% (340808/340808) done
 $ cd samba

List local and remote branches:

 $ git-branch
   * v3-2-test
 $ git-branch -r

Listing tags matching release-3-0-3*

 $ git-tag -l release-3-0-3*

Creating your own working branch from v3-2-test:

 $ git-checkout -b my_branch origin/v3-2-test
 Branch my_branch set up to track remote branch refs/remotes/origin/v3-2-test.
 Switched to a new branch "my_branch"

Do your own local work:

 $ mkdir git-test
 $ echo "hello" > git-test/README

View status of changes

 $ git-status
 # On branch my_branch
 # Untracked files:
 #   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
 #       git-test/
 nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

Add our new file to the local branch index:

 $ git add git-test
 $ git status
 # On branch my_branch
 # Changes to be committed:
 #   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
 #       new file:   git-test/README

Commit changes

 $ git commit -m "Example file for HOWTO"
 Created commit ad9a1eb: Example file for HOWTO
  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
  create mode 100644 git-test/README

Do some more work and commit local changes....

Now fetch the remote branch history:

 $ git-fetch 

Merging remote branch changes:

 $ git-merge origin/v3-2-test
 Already up-to-date.

Push the changes to the shared repository

 $ git push ssh:// my_branch:v3-2-test
 updating 'refs/heads/v3-2-test' using 'refs/heads/my_branch'
   from f2252e041e075e19bf27e53ab3ed62f39bc8b3e2
   to   ad9a1eb599c125964ac3e198d3003841edb4c54e
 Generating pack...
 Done counting 5 objects.
 Result has 4 objects.
 Deltifying 4 objects...
  100% (4/4) done
 Writing 4 objects...
  100% (4/4) done
 Total 4 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
 refs/heads/v3-2-test: f2252e041e075e19bf27e53ab3ed62f39bc8b3e2 -> ad9a1eb599c125964ac3e198d3003841edb4c54e

Explanation of Branches

The simplest way to explain the existing shared branches is to associate them with the previous SVN ones.

  • The *-unstable tags point to the matching SAMBA_X_X branch (e.g. SAMBA_3_2 or SAMBA_4_0) at the time of the migration. These are now tags an not branches so you cannot push to them. Instead, your local work should be done in a local branch and pushed when completed. There is no need to push works-in-progress any longer unless you require some specific testing by the buildfarm.
  • The master branch is the new combined Samba 3 (was: v3-devel) and Samba 4 (was: v4-0-test) development branch. It includes Samba 3 sources in a directory called source3 and Samba 4 sources in a directory called source4. Anyone may check into this branch.
  • The *-test branches correspond to the release series dev branch (e.g. SAMBA_3_2_0). Anyone may check into these branches.
  • The *-stable branches are used for release purposes similar to the SAMBA_X_X_RELEASE branches in SVN. These are under the control of the current release manager for a given release series.
  • The v3-devel branch was the former Samba 3 development branch. It has been turned readonly during the introduction of the master branch. The master branch substitues v3-devel.
  • The v4-0-test branch was the former Samba 4 development branch. It has been turned readonly during the introduction of the master branch. The master branch substitues v4-0-test.


Q. How do I revert a commit?

A. The git-reset command allows you to reset the HEAD of the branch to any given point in history. To go back one commit, run "git-reset HEAD^". This will keep your local changes and you can make any additional changes before re-commiting the new work. Also see the "git-commit --amend" command and the "git-reset" man page for other examples.

Q. Is there a shorthand for git-push <URL> <local_repo:remote_repo>?

A. Yes. You can define a [remote "upstream"] section in your local repos .git/config file.

 $ git-config remote.origin.url ssh://
 $ git-config remote.origin.push my_branch:v3-2-test
 $ cat .git/config
 [remote "origin"]
         url = ssh://
         fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
         push = my_branch:v3-2-test
 [branch "my_branch"]
         remote = origin
         merge = refs/heads/v3-2-test

Q. How can I have access to the old CVS and SVN imported repositories via GIT without creating additional cloned repos?

A. You can add remote tracking repositories using git-remote:

 $ git-remote add cvs git://
 $ git-fetch cvs
 remote: Generating pack...
 remote: Done counting 7070 objects.
 Result has 5004 objects.
 remote: Deltifying 5004 objects...
 remote:  100% (5004/5004) done
 Indexing 5004 objects...
 remote: Total 5004 (delta 3836), reused 4098 (delta 3044)
  100% (5004/5004) done
 Resolving 3836 deltas...
  100% (3836/3836) done
 461 objects were added to complete this thin pack.
 * refs/remotes/cvs/APPLIANCE_HEAD: storing branch 'APPLIANCE_HEAD' of git://
   commit: af0e201

You can then see the remote branches using "git-branch -r" and work with them in the same way you did for the "origin" branches obtained in the initial git-clone.

Q. How can I maintain a feature branch against the upstream Samba branches?

A. You clone the Samba repository as per the instructions above. Then you make a new feature branch from v3-2-test:

$ git-branch feature/foo v3-2-test

Now you do your development in your feature branch. Any time the v3-2-test branch gets too different to the code in your feature branch you should rebase your feature branch. The rebase rewinds your feature branch to the point there it was branched. Then it updates you feature branch to the HEAD of the v3-2-test branch and re-applies your changes.

$ git rebase v3-2-test
First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
Wrote tree 02299ef7c1cfa093248bfd9c6e3812805718845e
Committed: e20a8c521d7860d9b7bd724ed5ea19c7306530ab

Rebase works best when you use it for local branches that are never pushed to a public repository, see Why won't "git push" work after I rebased a branch?.