Setting up a Share Without Authentication

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Revision as of 22:02, 3 January 2016 by Mmuehlfeld (talk | contribs) (Link standalone server)

In some scenarios, expecially on standalone servers, it might be a requirement, to provide a share, that is accessable without authentication (anonymous access).

Two smb.conf directives are required in the [global] section, to allow anonymous access on shares in the later step:

   workgroup = MYWORKGROUP    ## Keep this two lines on their current value, if
   security = user            ## you're doing this on a host that is part of a domain
   map to guest = Bad user
   guest account = nobody

For the share, that should be accessable without login, use the following configuration:

   comment = Anonymous Samba Share
   path = /srv/samba/anonymous_share/
   guest ok = yes
   read only = yes|no

   # Optionally you can map the anonymous user to a local user/group, if necessary.
   force user = myuser
   force group = mygroup