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This is about the Samba build system which is around since quite some time. It has been created to satisfy the special needs of Samba. It works fine but it is undocumented, it is hard for people to understand it and there is no active development to improve it. CMake could be a very good replacement for the old dusty build system. CMake is a cross-platform, open-source meta build system to build, test and package software. It creates Makefile or other build files (KDevelop, Eclipse, XCode, MSVC). The intention is to test it and show it to you. This starts with a "Hands on" tutorial and goes into details later.

Give it a try!

Hands on


Lets start to do a checkout and compile something. Run some commands and then come back and talk about the features.

 $ git clone git://
 $ cd samba-wip
 $ cd lib/talloc

CMake is designed to build out of the source. This has several advantages. You don't have to create thousand of entries in .gitignore. You can create a build directory for *every local git branch* you create. CMake can be invoked by differnet executables:

  • cmake: the commandline tool
  • ccmake: a ncurses based gui
  • cmake-gui: a Qt gui.
 $ mkdir build
 $ cd build
 $ cmake ..

This is a talloc stand alone build. Normally you have to copy libreplace in the talloc dir but there is a check to look for ../replace, if you're in the Samba tree. It does all the required configure checks here to build on Linux as this is just a test.

 $ make

I think you know what it does. What's nice it shows only what it's building and the warnings and errors. If you want to see how make/cmake invokes the compiler, try the following:

 $ make clean
 $ make VERBOSE=1

To see what targets are availalbe, you can use

 $ make help

If you go to a source directory you have a target for each .c file.

 $ cd replace
 $ make help
 $ cd ..

You can execute every binary in the build directory and it will work. CMake uses rpath to build executables so that test scripts are able to find the right libraries, and things like make test can be run from the build directory without requiring you to install or build everything static. Executables are re-linked at install time to remove the rpath restriction. See:

 $ ldd talloc_testsuite

Building with RPATH can be disabled with 'cmake -DSKIP_BUILD_RPATH=OFF ..'. You have to set environment variables in this case to get executables working.


Lets look at tevent. I've created a way to let tevent use talloc from the system or compile it in source if you're in the samba tree.

 $ cd lib/tevent
 $ mkdir build
 $ cd build
 $ cmake ..
 $ make

This will build against the talloc system library. CMake uses so called "Find Packages" to find a library. There is no standard way to search for libraries and header files so CMake created a way to to it. You write a module and all you have to do is call 'find_package(Talloc REQUIRED)'. You can take a look at 'cmake/Modules/FindTalloc.cmake' in the tevent source directory if you want. Here is the way to build it in the Samba source tree.

 $ cd lib/tevent/build
 $ rm CMakeCache.txt
 $ make


CMake is pretty simple to learn. The way to tell CMake what to do, is to create a CMakeLists.txt file in each source directory.

Hello World

The following example demonstrates some key ideas of CMake.

There are three directories involved. The top level directory has two subdirectories called ./demo and ./hello. In the directory ./hello, a library is built. In the directory ./demo, an executable is built by linking to the library. A total of three CMakeList.txt files are created: one for each directory.

The first, top-level directory contains the following CMakeLists.txt file.

# The name of our project is "Hello". CMakeLists files in this project can
# refer to the root source directory of the project as ${HELLO_SOURCE_DIR} and
# to the root binary directory of the project as ${HELLO_BINARY_DIR}.
# The 'C' after the "Hello" means that it is a C project and CMake will only
# check for a C compiler and not for a C++ compiler.
project (Hello C)
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6)

# Recurse into the "Hello" and "Demo" subdirectories. This does not actually
# cause another cmake executable to run. The same process will walk through
# the project's entire directory structure.
add_subdirectory (hello)
add_subdirectory (demo)

Then for each subdirectory specified, CMakeLists.txt files are created. In the ./hello directory, the following CMakeLists.txt file is created:

# Create a library called "hello" which includes the source file "hello.c".
# The extension is already found. Any number of sources could be listed here.
add_library (hello hello.c)

Finally, in the ./demo directory, the third and final CMakeLists.txt file is created:

# Make sure the compiler can find include files from our hello library.
include_directories (${HELLO_SOURCE_DIR}/hello)

# Add executable called "hello_demo" that is built from the source files
# "demo.c" and "demo_b.c". The extensions are automatically found.
add_executable(hello_demo demo.c demo_b.c)

# Link the executable to the Hello library.
target_link_libraries (hello_demo hello)

CMake when executed in the top-level directory will process the CMakeLists.txt file and then descend into the listed subdirectories. Variables, include paths, library paths, etc. are inherited. Depending on the system, Makefiles (Unix) or workspaces/projects (MSVC) will be built. These can then be used in the usual way to build the code.

A bigger example

I've tried to document the CMakeLists.txt a bit to make it easier to start. Everything else is documented in 'man cmake'.

Assume we have created a Find Module for finding talloc (see lib/tevent/cmake/Modules/FindTalloc.cmake; this was created using a script I've written).

gladiac@magrathea:~/workspace/projects/csync/cmake/Scripts> ruby generate_findpackage_file
Name of package: Talloc
Your Name (for copyright): Andreas Schneider
Your mail (for copyright):
pkgconfig package name (e.g. "libxml-2.0", leave empty to skip pkgconfig): talloc
Look for header (e.g. "jpeglib.h" or "libxml/xpath.h"): talloc.h
Look for header subdir (e.g. "libxml2", empty to skip ):
Look for library (e.g. "xml2" or "avcodec avutil"): talloc
Done, generated FindTalloc.cmake

The way to compile a library if you have such a Find Module, cmake has more than 100 shipped by default, is fairly easy.

  # find the talloc package and require it!
  find_package(Talloc REQUIRED)


  # set the source files

  # create a library target
  add_library(tevent SHARED ${tevent_SRCS})
  target_link_libraries(tevent ${TALLOC_LIBRARIES})

  # install it

Isn't this easy to write and understand?

If you want to use functions or macros which are not covered by the cmake documentation then you find it at the top of each file. They are in '/usr/share/cmake/Modules' or in cmake/Modules if you look at replace/talloc/tevent here.


If you need help with cmake there are different sources:

Advantages of CMake

  • Out of source build
  • Automatic dependency generation (parallel builds)
  • Build system in *one* language
  • Good documentation (man cmake)
  • Works on a lot of different machines and operating systems ->
  • Support for complex custom commands like qt moc, yacc, pidl! This means compile a source generator, then use the source generator to generate source code from special input files (compile pidl then: foo.idl -> pidl -> foo.c)
  • Reruns itself if one of the input files has changed
  • Compiler independent


The migration to CMake can be done in parallel to the current build system. As you write CMakeLists.txt file and do out of source build you don't have to touch the current build system. You can work on CMake and still have a working build using the old system. As soon as CMake is fully working you can remove the old build system.


We would require CMake 2.6 which has been released in May 2008. They ensure that CMake is backward compatible. CMake is shipped on every Linux Distributions, OpenSolaris, BSDs cause there is a lot of software which depends on it, e.g. KDE, Wireshark ...

Binaires are available on the CMake website for:

  • Linux i386
  • Windows
  • SunOS Sparc
  • IRIX64 64
  • IRIX64 n32
  • HPUX 9000/785
  • AIX powerpc

CMake bootstraps on several other plattforms, see

CTest and CDash

CMake would allow us to easily use CTest and CDash for automatic testing. It has some nice features like running tests and check how long they run. Then create a graph out of it. Do code coverage and run automatically valgrind on each test. Everything is reported to CDash.

Samba Custom Build System vs CMake

Samba Custom Build System CMake
Languages 5 (autoconf, autom4te, automake, perl, shell) 1 (CMake)
Community Some people know it, you have to wait until they are available Big community, mailinglists and IRC channels available
Testing and debugging of binaires Build static or set environment variables to run them in the build dir Simply works with shared libraries cause of RPATH in build dir
Documentation Autotools are documented, but Samba specific stuff has no documentation Good documentation and Wiki available
Development Some? Active development and maintenance community
Out of source build Possible, but is broken since a long time. Still creates files in the source tree. Default, no files inside the source tree are touched